We’ve been thinking very carefully about our approach to education in Nepal and NE India. We’re proud to share our vision for educational improvement and aspirations for our programmes with our wonderful supporters.
Our Overall Vision

Schools, working closely with the communities they serve, striving to offer quality education to help prepare students for living and working within and beyond these communities.

Strategic Objectives of our Educational Improvement Programmes

Through our programmes in India and Nepal, we aim to improve

  • The quality of leadership, curriculum and ethos in schools
  • The quality of teaching and learning (with a particular focus on English language fluency)

Elements of Strategic Objectives

Quality of leadership, curriculum and ethos in the school

  • a school improvement plan which is based on self-evaluation of quality and needs
  • the application of policies and agreed approaches to teaching, in particular in relation to reading, writing and mathematics
  • modelling the ethical and social values of the school and the respect and courtesy shown by staff towards each other and students.
  • Improvement achieved through monitoring the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom and a programme of staff training
  • broad and balanced curriculum including a programme of extra-curricular activities which support the social values of the community.
  • enabling all students to make good progress in reading, writing, mathematics and English lang

The Quality of Teaching and Learning, (with a particular focus on English language fluency)

Teachers that ensure:

  • students gain in their knowledge, skills and understanding across subjects
  • they use questioning, discussion, practical work and lively displays to assess the effectiveness of their teaching and promote students’ learning
  • students understand how to improve their work
  • students are encouraged to develop personal skills through responsibility for school/class activities.
  • English lessons enable students to develop fluency and literacy through interactive learning
  • Assessment of progress to ensure the progress of all learners
  • English (as far as is possible) is the medium through which subjects are taught

Vision for Individual Countries


  • Schools all self-motivated to improve the quality of the education they provide
  • Head teachers and staff embracing and implementing new ideas and approaches they can see would be beneficial
  • Co-operation between the Mondo schools enabling sharing of ideas, methods and successes.
  • Reputation of Mondo schools high in their localities such that rolls are sustained/expanding and schools financial basis assured.


  • Local organisation (HELP) that shares Mondo’s enthusiasm and commitment to improve the quality of education offered. A coherent programme of work that supports this.
  • Close working relationship between HELP and rural municipalities leading to joint commitment to and funding of programmes.
  • Empowering communities to take responsibility for the schools through working with School Management Committees.
  • Selected schools, with whom HELP has a significant relationship or a wish to create a working partnership, value that relationship and seek to improve what they offer to their students.

We will use the principles to guide our efforts across projects in Nepal and NE India, helping us to maintain focus and direct resources. We look forward to sharing stories of the impact our work is having!