
CEO Visits Tanzania – Part 6: The Adventure Ends

Read the final blog from our CEO’s visit to Tanzania. If you’ve missed the earlier blogs, catch up on Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 and Part 5. A day in Arusha to catch up.  The most urgent task has been to interview another candidate for the Liaison Officer job, Rosemary, and I think we have found what we are looking for!  I invited her to join us at the team meeting this morning,...

CEO Visits Tanzania – Part 5: Smiles In Pasua

Our CEO continued his visit to Tanzania, moving finally to visit more grant and loan recipients in Pasua. If you’ve missed the earlier blogs, catch up on Part 1Part 2 , Part 3 and Part 4. We set off early with Mama Glory to visit the Pasua region, where our first call was with Nia, a lady who is totally unique in the Mondo scheme in that she makes bricks!  I first met her back in 2009...

CEO Visits Tanzania – Part 4: Onwards To Moshi

Our CEO continued his visit to Tanzania, shifting his focus to our second wide area of operations, Moshi. If you’ve missed the earlier blogs, catch up on Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3. We left early from Arusha to start a two day visit to Moshi, our largest centre of grant recipients. First stop was Boma N’gombe where we embarked upon a two mile hike into the hinterland with our local manager, Mama Glory.  Boma N’gombe is...

CEO Visits Tanzania – Part 3: A Day In The Markets of USA River

Our CEO continued his visit to Tanzania, this time heading to the markets to meet more of our grant and loan recipients. If you’ve missed the earlier blogs, catch up on Part 1 and Part 2. Today we are in Usa River, a flourishing township 30 miles east of Arusha on the Moshi road.  Usa River is hugely spread out and a long dusty road stretches as far as the eye can see. Scattered dwellings are thrown...

CEO Visits Tanzania – Part 2: Meeting Old Friends and New Recipients

Our CEO visited our Tanzania projects and tells us of his time on the ground. This blog sees him reunite with old friends. If you’ve missed it, catch up on Part 1 here. An early morning wake-up call thanks to the loudspeakers from the mosque just around the corner from our hotel.  We know this routine from many stays at Hotel Flamingo over twelve years!  It starts at 5am and last 15 minutes; the call to prayers! One has...

CEO Visits Tanzania – Part 1: Touching Down In Tanzania

Anthony visited our projects in Tanzania in February 2016 and blogged about his experiences on the ground. Read more about his exciting adventures with our local team and the women living with HIV who benefit from our projects. Greetings from Arusha where we arrived this morning after a longish flight via Nairobi.  Mondo TZ Chairman, David Kinisi, met us and we had a good discussion with him en route to the hotel.  One unwelcome change since my last visit is the...

Tanzania Project Update

This month in Tanzania we are preparing to start a new round of grants and business training in Usa River, near Arusha. We support HIV affected widows to start up small businesses in order to be able to support themselves and their children. This month 13 new beneficiaries will be trained in areas such as attracting customers, calculating profit margins and organising savings. They will bring with them a friend or family member to the training so that they will have...

Programmes Manager Visits Tanzania

I joined Mondo Challenge Foundation as Programmes Manager in July 2015. I have worked in development for many years starting as VSO in a remote teacher training college in Vietnam, and working for six years with Concern Worldwide in Mozambique and Uganda. My background is in education, particularly schooling for girls, but I have worked on aid projects of all kinds – for example, last time I was in Tanzania, 24 years ago, it was as a volunteer snorkeler helping...

Development Manager Visits Tanzania

Iain Parker (Development Manager) spent a few months in Tanzania researching the impact of Mondo’s projects. During his time there, Iain was able to help with the management of projects and spend time with the beneficiaries of Mondo’s work. There were a lot of positives and many grateful recipients, but as is inevitable in a country ravaged by HIV, a number of heart breaking stories. Iain spent most of his time working with the grant and loans program, which works like...

Mondo 10th Anniversary

The Foundation was launched in November 2004 and it seems difficult to believe that ten years have sped by as quickly as they have. Just two months after the launch, the tsunami woke us up with a start and we were able to move quickly to help children in badly affected Sri Lankan communities recover their lives. From that dramatic start we have gone on to focus on our core activities of Education and Livelihoods.  It’s not easy to know exactly...